Hi Doug & GCNY,
A similar query about mailmerge with scientific notations appeared today in the docmanagement NG also. My suggested coding is:
{SET a{=ABS(z)}}
{SET c{=int(a/10^b)+mod(a,10^b)/10^b}}
{c \# 0.00}E{b \# +00;-00}}
where 'dbValue' is the mergefield's name.
If the same value is to appear in multiple places, then bookmarking the above field and using cross-references to it would do the
job. Otherwise, as Doug says, you'll need one copy of the Word field for each db field - a simple copy, paste & edit process once
you've got the first field coded.
The core of the above field is included in my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at: