Scientific research tools and help sessions.



As a graduate student in a scientific field, I am finding that I need to
learn how to use and adapt many of the programs available. I am responsible
for collecting and organizing data, as well as also updating this same data
in presentations and on line. It would be great to have all of the
information and products available in a more concise way. For example, being
able to update the research data in a power point presentation, excel and on
a web site simultaneously. It would save time and help cut down on mistakes.
Perhaps this is already available, and if so, it would be great to hear
about it.

Rob Schneider

If you want to do this "simultanously", all you have to do is publish
the DOC, XLS, and PPT files on the web site. Open them in Word and
PowerPoint on the file server holding the web site, and edit them. When
you save them, the data is then updated automatically on the web site.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


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