Screen Flicker and view blows up to 400% - fixed by restart



I have a co-worker with a problem very similar to this

I think he only experiences this flicker and view size expansion when
hooking up to the external projector. and with the projector attached, a
restart fixes him right up. I'm hoping I'll be able to fix this by tweaking
his resolution settings. I just searched google groups and didn't see much
information out there about this problem. am I not looking in the right

Is it a screen resolution issue? I don't want to go barking up the wrong
tree (would love to find some more info about this known issue) i.e I'd like
to know if there is a powerpoint patch or a graphics driver patch that should
fix this. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

Bill Dilworth

First, have your co-worker download any updates for the video drivers he
has. This is always a good start for any video problem.

It sounds like the problem is that windows is not correctly "discovering"
the native resolution of the projector. This would explain why a restart
fixes the issue, since discovery of peripherals is part of the boot process.
I would start by trying to set the screen resolution on the computer's
primary and secondary display settings for the screen's resolution to the
same number (ideally the projector's default) -- 1024 by 768. Experiment
with that and see if hooking up the projector does better. If it is an
older projector, I would also see about changing the resolution down to

Post back either way with news.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
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