Screen paints, and repaints, echo(off) no worky



We've got a frmSalesOrder form. It has 4 tab page, and a couple of the tab
pages have 2-4 subforms.

The onCurrent procedure, among other things, checks certain pieces of data
and based on the data, enables/disables or visibles/invisibles various
controls as appropriate. For example, if the Sales Order record already has a
matching Install Order, the btnCreateMatchingInstallOrder button will be

The problem (annoyance?) is that when the user goes to a new record, the
form will immediately show the new data, then a second or two passes while it
processes the VBA, and then basically repaints the form (ie it flickers

I'm sure I can streamline the code in the future, but even then it will take
a moment to run.

Is there any way to make it show new records faster? Or at least eliminate
the draw, wait, redraw thing? I think it confuses my users.

I've tried application.echo false (and docmd.echo (false)) at the beginning
of the oncurrent procedure, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Any advice would be appreciated!


Here's an example of another instance...

If the users clicks the Refresh button, I would expect that it would not
show the requery, but just show the current record after the requery and
finding the correct record.

Instead, it shows record 1 from requerying, then goes to the record...

Why isn't echo off preventing that stuff from being shown?


Private Sub Refresh_Click()
If Not (IsNull(SalesOrderID)) Then
TempVars![SalesOrderToGoTo] = [SalesOrderID].Value
End If
TempVars![SalesOrderToGoTo] = Null
End Sub

Public Sub RefreshData()
On Err GoTo ExitCode:
Application.Echo False
Application.Echo True
End Sub
Public Sub GotoSpecificRecord()
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[SalesOrderID] = " & Str(Nz(TempVars![SalesOrderToGoTo], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

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