Screen Resolution Affecting Printou of Table imported to Word.



When printing from a screen res. of 1024x768 there were no
collumn shifts. When printing from a screen res. of
800x600 there was a marked shift to the right in the third
to last collumn. Could anyone please help me to figure
this out.


Rick Brandt

Chris said:
When printing from a screen res. of 1024x768 there were no
collumn shifts. When printing from a screen res. of
800x600 there was a marked shift to the right in the third
to last collumn. Could anyone please help me to figure
this out.

The "Export to RTF" feature has lots of "issues" and I don't recommend it
for anything but very simple tabular output. In addition to the simple
formatting stuff that you are seeing, you can have text truncation of
words, lines or whole paragraphs.

In addition to that is what you have seen. How the RTF output behaves is
affected by LOTS of stuff on the local PC, most notably the printer driver.
This is another reason to avoid it (IMO). You can spend a lot of time
tweaking a report so it seems to export as RTF ok, but then find that this
is only true on YOUR computer!


When the report is created at screen res of 800x600 there
is a problem with the collumns losing alignment in the
output from the printer. When it's created at 1024x768
there is no problem.

Rick Brandt

Chris said:
When the report is created at screen res of 800x600 there
is a problem with the collumns losing alignment in the
output from the printer. When it's created at 1024x768
there is no problem.

Sorry, I just jumped to a conclusion there because the RTF feature would
often do just what you're describing.

I can't say that I have seen the resolution used while designing a Report
to have any bearing on how that report prints. Is this only when printed
on a PC with a different resolution or is it strictly determined by the
resolution used at design time?

The closest I can remember to this is some graphs that started messing up
when printed through Terminal Server/Citrix, but that was strictly
determined by the printer driver being used, not the resolution.


Sorry, I just jumped to a conclusion there because the RTF feature would
often do just what you're describing.

I can't say that I have seen the resolution used while designing a Report
to have any bearing on how that report prints. Is this only when printed
on a PC with a different resolution or is it strictly determined by the
resolution used at design time?

The closest I can remember to this is some graphs that started messing up
when printed through Terminal Server/Citrix, but that was strictly
determined by the printer driver being used, not the resolution.

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RBrandt at Hunter dot com

It seems to be on the PC with the 600x800 at time of
creation and the same holds true for other PC's. As I
wrote before if the screen resolution is 1024x768 at
creation there is no problem.

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