screen resolution compatability


Keith B.

I created and maintain my website in 800x600 screen resolution. I've seen
other sites that are created with the same resolution, but when viewed in
1024x768 resolution, the page is centered on the screen where mine defaults
to the left.

How can I adjust my 800x600 site to be centered in 1024x768 resoltion?

Thanks n advance,
Keith B.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

If you have your page content in a table, just center the table.

|I created and maintain my website in 800x600 screen resolution. I've seen
| other sites that are created with the same resolution, but when viewed in
| 1024x768 resolution, the page is centered on the screen where mine
| to the left.
| How can I adjust my 800x600 site to be centered in 1024x768 resoltion?
| Thanks n advance,
| Keith B.

Keith B.

Thanks for your reply Rob.

My pages are all done in "layers" (with text and jpgs ... pretty simple) .
How can I adjust them to be centered in either 800x600 or 1024x768 resoltion?

Thanks again


My pages are all done in "layers" (with text and jpgs ... pretty simple) .

And profoundly dangerous, too. A resize of text in the browser usually
leads to an overlapping mess in such pages. It's worth a try on yours to
see how bad it is.

To center such pages try this -

Change this -


to this -

<style type="text/css">
body { text-align:center; }
#wrapper { text-align:left; width:720px; margin:0 auto;position:relative; }
/* assuming you want a 720px width */

change this -

<body ...>

to this -

<body ...>
<div id="wrapper">

and this -


to this -

</div><!-- /wrapper -->

and see if that helps.

Keith B.

Thanks for your reply Nurray.

Profoundly dangerous? Whats profoundly dangerous? I'm not looking to resize
text and each of the the samples I've seen do no such thing ... they simple
shift the 800x600 content to be centered in 1024x768. I say this respectfully
.... whatever you menat by "profoundly dangerous" I don't understand. This
isn't life and death ... this is just a web site.

Keith B.

My apologies for the typos Murray.

Keith B. said:
Thanks for your reply Murray.

Profoundly dangerous? Whats profoundly dangerous? I'm not looking to resize
text and each of the the samples I've seen do no such thing ... they simple
shift the 800x600 content to be centered in 1024x768. I say this respectfully
... whatever you meant by "profoundly dangerous" I don't understand. This
isn't life and death ... this is just a web site.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Nurray means when the viewer resizes the text the layers may skew.


| Thanks for your reply Nurray.
| Profoundly dangerous? Whats profoundly dangerous? I'm not looking to
| text and each of the the samples I've seen do no such thing ... they
| shift the 800x600 content to be centered in 1024x768. I say this
| ... whatever you menat by "profoundly dangerous" I don't understand. This
| isn't life and death ... this is just a web site.
| "Murray" wrote:
| > > My pages are all done in "layers" (with text and jpgs ... pretty
simple) .
| >
| > And profoundly dangerous, too. A resize of text in the browser usually
| > leads to an overlapping mess in such pages. It's worth a try on yours
| > see how bad it is.
| >
| > To center such pages try this -
| >
| > Change this -
| >
| > </head>
| >
| > to this -
| >
| > <style type="text/css">
| > <!--
| > body { text-align:center; }
| > #wrapper { text-align:left; width:720px; margin:0
auto;position:relative; }
| > /* assuming you want a 720px width */
| > -->
| > </style>
| > </head>
| >
| > change this -
| >
| > <body ...>
| >
| > to this -
| >
| > <body ...>
| > <div id="wrapper">
| >
| > and this -
| >
| > </body>
| >
| > to this -
| >
| > </div><!-- /wrapper -->
| > </body>
| >
| > and see if that helps.
| >
| >
| >
| > --
| > Murray
| > --------------
| > MVP FrontPage
| >
| >
| > | > > Thanks for your reply Rob.
| > >
| > > My pages are all done in "layers" (with text and jpgs ... pretty
simple) .
| > > How can I adjust them to be centered in either 800x600 or 1024x768
| > > resoltion?
| > >
| > > Thanks again
| > >
| > > "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > >
| > >> If you have your page content in a table, just center the table.
| > >>
| > >>
| > >> | > >> |I created and maintain my website in 800x600 screen resolution. I've
| > >> seen
| > >> | other sites that are created with the same resolution, but when
| > >> in
| > >> | 1024x768 resolution, the page is centered on the screen where mine
| > >> defaults
| > >> | to the left.
| > >> |
| > >> | How can I adjust my 800x600 site to be centered in 1024x768
| > >> |
| > >> | Thanks n advance,
| > >> | Keith B.
| > >>
| > >>
| > >>
| >
| >
| >


Tjat's ecatbly what I neam!

It's dangerous to your layout. Layouts made with layers usually crash and
burn when the viewer decides he/she wants to see the text larger than you
have specified.

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