Screen Ruling Control


John Gordon

Last week I changed OS on my PC from ME to XP Pro. Since
then I have no control over the screen rulings in the
photos used in Publisher sent to my post script printer
(HP 1200se with PS driver) No matter what number I type in
screen ruling dialog box (under print file) I get the same
results (about 65 lines per inch) I tried downloading the
lastest printer driver from HP but the results are always
the same. My "levels of gray" setting is the same as
before "standard" Can anyone help me? Thanks

Ron Cohen

It appears that HP no longer supports screen frequency via their drivers and
depends upon the application. When I installed XP/Pro I ran into this same
problem with my Lexmark PS laser. Lexmark did update their drivers for XP
and retained the functionality that HP didn't. With a Lexmark, you can use
either the driver or application. On HP PS lasers try the following. For
2000 & 2002 Under Tools/Commercial Printing Tools/Color Printing change the
setting from the default of Composite RGB to a different setting. This will
allow you to set the frequency from within Publisher. Then from the
File/Print menu select Advanced Print Options to change the frequency.
Under 2003 this is done from the File/Print/Advanced Print Settings menu and
eliminates the need to go to the Commercial Printing dialog. Last January
there was a thread in this newsgroup describing this problem. You can find
it with a Google search using my name and HP5000 as the search parameters.

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