Screen shots clutter Office clipboard when I use CNTRL+C/V



I'm an editor by trade and a keyboard addict by inclination, so I live and
die by CNTRL+C and CNTRL+V. Lately when I use these shortcuts, I find I'm
pasting an image of a screen shot as often as I am the text I've selected in
Word. When I'm working with the Office clipboard open, these screenshots
show up with the little Windows graphics icon as opposed to the "W" icon
emblematic of Word text. Anybody have any idea what might be going on? Many

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Brent,

What version of Word are you using? Are you copying outside
of Word then pasting into Word when this occurs?

Have you cleared your \temp folder (Start=>Run %TEMP%
and your browser's Temporary Internet File Cache?

I'm an editor by trade and a keyboard addict by inclination, so I live and
die by CNTRL+C and CNTRL+V. Lately when I use these shortcuts, I find I'm
pasting an image of a screen shot as often as I am the text I've selected in
Word. When I'm working with the Office clipboard open, these screenshots
show up with the little Windows graphics icon as opposed to the "W" icon
emblematic of Word text. Anybody have any idea what might be going on? Many
thanks--Brent >>


Word 2003. Working completely inside Word. Haven't cleared the temp file
(I'll do so immediately) but keep the cache clean.

If I open the clipboard in the task pane, I can watch screen images pile
into the clipboard anytime I hold down the control key and use one of the
directional arrows. It's very strange. If I select copy and hit Control+C
and then Control+V without the clipboard pane showing, I'm never sure what
I'm going to get: Sometimes I get what I copied, and sometimes I get a
screen image. I'm clueless how this is happening and very grateful for your

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Brent,

I've not been able to duplicate the part about using
the arrow keys to add to the Office clipboard.
Do you get the same thing if you hold down the ctrl key
when starting Word (Office safe mode)?

On the other issue of things being added to the Office clipboard
I can, for example, work from Outlook Express and coy text in a message
and it will add itself to the Office clipboard. (The top item
in the clipboard (last copied) is then the default to paste though.

If you click, on the [Options] button in the Office 2003 Clipboard
taskpane in Word what Options are turned on?

What other apps/utilities are running on your PC?

Word 2003. Working completely inside Word. Haven't cleared the temp file
(I'll do so immediately) but keep the cache clean.

If I open the clipboard in the task pane, I can watch screen images pile
into the clipboard anytime I hold down the control key and use one of the
directional arrows. It's very strange. If I select copy and hit Control+C
and then Control+V without the clipboard pane showing, I'm never sure what
I'm going to get: Sometimes I get what I copied, and sometimes I get a
screen image. I'm clueless how this is happening and very grateful for your
input. >>


I have encountered a similar problem, using Office 2003. I often get a
screen capture when I paste (in Word, or Outlook using Word as editor).
Cutting some text now only seems to "last" a few seconds--almost any
other operation will replace the cut text with a screen capture. Today
I opened the clipboard and figured out what was happening. It seems
that several keys will put a screen capture in the clipboard, including
the down arrow (unlike message above, the down arrow on its own).

I am running two new programs--Google Desktop Search and Copernic
Desktop Search. Is it possible these programs might be causing the

Thanks for any advice.

Jeff Prescott

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