Screen shots


Pat Convey

Could anyone kindly tell me how to take a screen print of a graphic such as
for example the Tools "Options" screen in order that I can create an idiot

I know how to take a screen shot of the visible screen area using the
Alt+Tab screen print function and the screen print only function but I'm sure
you can take a copy of the above "Options".

You see the type of image I'm after capturing within aide memoires and
manuals etc.

Hope any of you guys and gals can help.

Pat Convey.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Alt+PrintScreen will capture the current window, which includes dialogs such
as the Options dialog. As Bob says, though, if you want anything other than
the entire screen or the current window, you need a dedicated screen capture
program. I highly recommend SnagIt, which I use for all the screen shots at
my Web site (

Pat Convey

To Suzanne & CyberTaz,

Many thanks for you kind responses.

I will follow your advice and take a good look at SnagIt.

Kindest Regards,

Pat Convey.


For our 'idiot proof' instructions, we do a complete screen shot which
captures the dropdown menus and highlights. Then paste into MS Paint and use
the cut feature in Paint to extract the portion of the screen shot containing
the highlighted drop down menu.

It's the end result that gets pasted into Word/Outlook. This low-end but
functional and free.

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