screen size



Completed web page with frames top frame has macromedia,have 22"monitor.the pixel size of the macromedia is 1000Pixels and it works fine in my browser or any other browser on my pc.But when i went on another pc with a 17 inch moniter it would not show the entire page or let you scroll the page even to see the rest of it.Is this a frames problem.How do i get the page to show full view on ay monitor size.the page has 4 frames ,two side frames top to bottom and a top frame with macromedia and the bottom frame is my target window the rest of the web is browsed through


never mind i was using pixels in frames set,changed to percent.although does anyone no how to get the macromedia component to change size as one resizes the page

Randy Birch

A pixel is a pixel, period. Your issue is screen *resolution*, not monitor
*size*. 1024x768 is precisely the same resolution on a 15" and 42" monitor.

To accommodate all screen resolutions you have two alternatives:

a) set your table width to a fixed set value that can be accommodated at the
lowest expected resolution. Nowadays this is no more than 800 pixels - a
couple of years ago it would have been 640 pixels. This will display the
table data in a fixed-width table, such as used at

b) set your table width to 100%. The table will expand to fill the
available browser width, such as


Randy Birch
MVP Visual Basic
Please respond only to the newsgroups so all can benefit.

: Completed web page with frames top frame has macromedia,have
22"monitor.the pixel size of the macromedia is 1000Pixels and it works fine
in my browser or any other browser on my pc.But when i went on another pc
with a 17 inch moniter it would not show the entire page or let you scroll
the page even to see the rest of it.Is this a frames problem.How do i get
the page to show full view on ay monitor size.the page has 4 frames ,two
side frames top to bottom and a top frame with macromedia and the bottom
frame is my target window the rest of the web is browsed through


Got it thanx,but ive found the macromedia size is the problem ive set all the frames to 100 percent ,then the tables to 100 percent,then the cells where i could apply them but the width of the mac file 1000 pixels is to large and i cant get it to resizeif you resize it manually yourself with the mouse it cuts out thr left frame is there a sacrfice to this

Rick Budde

I don't know what a "Macromedia" is but I assume it is
some graphics file creted in the Macromedia program.

To reduce its pixel width it would seem to me that you
should go back to that program and see if you can create
a file with a lower pixel width.
-----Original Message-----
Got it thanx,but ive found the macromedia size is the
problem ive set all the frames to 100 percent ,then the
tables to 100 percent,then the cells where i could
apply them but the width of the mac file 1000 pixels is
to large and i cant get it to resizeif you resize it
manually yourself with the mouse it cuts out thr left
frame is there a sacrfice to this

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