screen size


Liz Rava

Hi! I have my screen settings at very high screen area. When I am working on
my website, everything fits fine and is proportional. When I view the website
on someone else's computer who has a smaller screen area, everything is
resized, uncentered, and looks like a 5 year-old made the website. What can
I do so that no matter what size of screen my website is viewed in, it always
appears the same and just resizes itself to fit? Thanks!

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

you can contain your page elements in tables or divs that are set to a %.
there may be more required. can you post a link to the offending page?

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.


A bit redundant perhaps, but try creating a new page, create a table, then
copy and paste some content into it (or just put some content there). Save
and preview in browser. Restore down (min/max), and this should allow you to
select the right side of the page, and drag it to change the size, just like
any window. You should see the content in the table that you created move to
fit in the page. This should give you an idea of how the page will look in
different sizes.
My 2 cents.

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