screen update


Alberto Ast

I have some macros but in order not to show what they so and just update
screen at the end by usaing

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

But there are some rectangles that still blinks while doing the macros...
what can I do so nothing moves until macro ends?

Rick Rothstein

I think you will need to describe your setup and show us your code so we can
try to duplicate the problem. If these items are too big to do this, then
perhaps you can post your workbook on one of those free websites set up to
do that and then provide us with a link to it.

Alberto Ast

Do not know how to load the data on the web so I will try to explain better...

I have a large macro where I move cell values, do some sorting, validate
some data and even jumpo from one sheeet to another... so in order not to see
all the sorting and the moving from one sheet to another I start my macro with

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
all the macro activities
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

On my main worksheet I have some rectangles where I do assign my macros....
When I run the macro teh screen and data does not move until it finish but
the rentacgles seems to blink several times (in a couple of seconds) and I do
not like ti... I would like somehow have the rentangles frozeen and do not

Looks like Application.ScreenUpdating will not apply to rectangles.
Hope this helps

Gord Dibben

What do you mean by "rectangles"?

What type of rectangle and what purpose do they serve?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Alberto Ast

Rectangles made from the drawing tool bar so I can assign my macros to. I put
a text to explain what they do and color it so they look nice.

I added about 10 rectangles and assign a macro to each one but each time I
click one to execute a macro all of the blink a little.

Rick Rothstein

I still think it would be useful for us to be able to see your code. Maybe
use a site like this one...

I've never used this site and I am not endorsing it... it was the first one
I Googled which had a green checkmark on it (my Norton 360 software's
SiteSafe feature puts checkmarks on searched for sites green checkmarks are
safe, gray question marks were never tested, red x is totally unsafe).

Rick Rothstein

I don't think you posted the correct link... the one you posted looks like
it is trying to take us to your account.

Alberto Ast

I copy past below adress into the http bar or what ever is call and it took
me to my file... but I never did this before so I do not know...

Can I mail you the file?

Rick Rothstein

There was a "share this file" button that you could have clicked right after
you uploaded the file which would have given you the link. I think you still
can get it by doing this... click the MyFile tab and you will see the file
you just uploaded... RIGHT CLICK that file entry and then click the "Copy
Shortcut" entry on the popup menu that appears... you can now Edit/Paste (or
use the Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut) to paste the URL into a message that you
post to this group... the URL you post by doing this should give us access
to your file. Give it a try.

Alberto Ast

Any luck... I saw 5 downloads of my file... where you able to find why the
objects blink while runing the macros?

Thanks for your help.

Rick Rothstein

It appears to be a limitation of that type of control when a macro is
assigned to it. I can find no way work around it other than to use an
ActiveX control instead, but this would require writing some event code (not
a big deal) to handle the user's clicking on it.

Alberto Ast

Thanks Rick, any short cut as how to lear to do Active X controls? I have no
idea what are you talking about.

Alberto Ast

Thanks Rick, I´ll have to spend some time reading and practicing with it.
For now I will leave my macros as is but will learn this for future


Rick said:
I don't think you posted the correct link... the one you posted look
it is trying to take us to your account.
I had read your message carefully, and I found it was more valuabl
,thank you !;

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