screensaver to override ppt presentation


Laura B

I want a PPT presentation to be in full screen presentation mode, but if
nobody touches it for a set time, I want my screensaver I programmed to
kick-in. Default setting of powerpoint of course is that it overrides the
screensaver in presentation mode. How can I change this?
Browsing on internet I have come across complaints that company group
policies often have screensavers that override everything else. Is this a
possible solution? I know nothing about group policies!

Thanks - waiting hopefully for a solution to this!

Laura B

Thanks for your message. I was actually reccommended exactly the same bit of
software shortly after receiving your message. Having had some difficulty
buying the software online or over the phone, I now have it and shortly look
forward to trying it out. If it works it solves our problem completely!
Thanks very much,

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