Screwey Headers/Letterhead



I am interning at a law firm this summer and inherited a problem that I'm
trying to solve.

We have a total of 4 computers all on one server with 2 locations. there is
one desktop at location A and one at location B. one laptop is used almost
exclusively at location A. One laptop regularly travels between A and B. all
4 computers use XP, windows server, and office 2007.

We use an image in the header and footer of doc's to create a letterhead.

Whenever any of the four computers open a document the header and footer
appear "blacked out." You can still see that it is the letterhead, it's not
just a pure black box, almost like the colors have been inverted. All four
computers see this. two of the computers can print the documents while
seeing the "black box" and the letterhead will print fine, just as it's
supposed to (desktop at B, travelling laptop). The other two computers will
print the black box. (desktop at A [me], and laptop at A).

If we attempt to paste in a "good" header, one that does not appear black;
save the file, and open it on another computer the letterhead becomes

These problems have occured whether we use .doc or .docx

So in effect what we have to do now is work with the black box letterheads,
and before we can print anything using the letterhead we have to send it the
"travelling laptop" before it is printed so it prints properly.

What we want is either A) the letterhead to look correct and print correct
on all 4 computers or B) the letterhead to still look blacked out, but be
able to print correct on all computers. It would also be nice to know why
the letterhead would become distorted when being opened by a different user
on the same server.

Thanks a million if you can help. I'll try to get additional information if
it's needed, but like I said... I'm just an intern.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Where does the image for the header/footer reside? On the server, or on each
computer locally?

How is the image being rendered in the document? As a link? An embedded
image? Does the header/footer reside in a template stored on the server?
Does the server have Word 2007 such that you could try printing directly
from there to see how wide scale the problem is?

What if you insert the image into the body of a test document (not in the
header or footer)? Does it display and print okay that way?


- The image is embedded into the documents
- I will work on getting Admin rights to access the server in this manner.
- No, still prints the same.

Herb Tyson said:
Where does the image for the header/footer reside? On the server, or on each
computer locally?

How is the image being rendered in the document? As a link? An embedded
image? Does the header/footer reside in a template stored on the server?
Does the server have Word 2007 such that you could try printing directly
from there to see how wide scale the problem is?

What if you insert the image into the body of a test document (not in the
header or footer)? Does it display and print okay that way?

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible

Bill said:
I am interning at a law firm this summer and inherited a problem that I'm
trying to solve.

We have a total of 4 computers all on one server with 2 locations. there
one desktop at location A and one at location B. one laptop is used
exclusively at location A. One laptop regularly travels between A and B.
4 computers use XP, windows server, and office 2007.

We use an image in the header and footer of doc's to create a letterhead.

Whenever any of the four computers open a document the header and footer
appear "blacked out." You can still see that it is the letterhead, it's
just a pure black box, almost like the colors have been inverted. All
computers see this. two of the computers can print the documents while
seeing the "black box" and the letterhead will print fine, just as it's
supposed to (desktop at B, travelling laptop). The other two computers
print the black box. (desktop at A [me], and laptop at A).

If we attempt to paste in a "good" header, one that does not appear black;
save the file, and open it on another computer the letterhead becomes

These problems have occured whether we use .doc or .docx

So in effect what we have to do now is work with the black box
and before we can print anything using the letterhead we have to send it
"travelling laptop" before it is printed so it prints properly.

What we want is either A) the letterhead to look correct and print correct
on all 4 computers or B) the letterhead to still look blacked out, but be
able to print correct on all computers. It would also be nice to know why
the letterhead would become distorted when being opened by a different
on the same server.

Thanks a million if you can help. I'll try to get additional information
it's needed, but like I said... I'm just an intern.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QmlsbA==?=,
- No, still prints the same.
Something else I'd look at is the printer drivers. If you
update the driver at location A from the manufacturer's
website do you see any difference?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail


Cindy said:
Hi =?Utf-8?B?QmlsbA==?=,
- No, still prints the same.
Something else I'd look at is the printer drivers. If you
update the driver at location A from the manufacturer's
website do you see any difference?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

Has this been answered/resolved? I am also having the problem. I think
it has something to do with image handling in Office 2007 because I
took the problem image form the Word document and pasted it into a PPT
2003 slide and then tried to open it in PPT 2007 and got the same black

Any help or troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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