I used the scrip below. It works on Microsoft Explorer but it dosen't seem
to work in Netscape. I see Nescape in the scrip and I think it should work
with Nescape as well as MS Explorer. Maybe, it was the computer that I was
using which is somtimes iffey. This is the web page that this scrip is on.
Sorry about the fine print but I can't seem to change it eversince I pased
the scrip here.
// MouseOver/MouseClick audio.
// by JS Archive - http://jsarchive.8m.com
var ayAudio = new Array();
// Source for sound files to be preloaded
ayAudio[0] = "media/babyseal.wav";
ayAudio[1] = "media/babyseal.wav";
function AudioCheck() {
var n = navigator.appName
if (n=="Netscape") this.ns = true;
else if (n=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && document.all) this.ie = true;
else this.noAudio = true;
onload = function() {
is = new AudioCheck()
if (is.noAudio) return;
var s = '';
for (i=0; i<ayAudio.length; i++)
if (is.ns) {
auEmb = new Layer(0);
with (auEmb.document) { open();write(s);close() };
else document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",s);
auCon = is.ns? auEmb.document.embeds:auIEEmb;
auCon.ctrl = function(au,play) {
if (is.ie) this.src = play? ayAudio[au]:'';
else eval( "this[au]." + (play? "play()":"stop()") );
is.auDone = true;
function playAudio(whAu) { if (window.auCon) auCon.ctrl(whAu,1) }
function stopAudio(whAu) { if (window.auCon) auCon.ctrl(whAu,0) }
to work in Netscape. I see Nescape in the scrip and I think it should work
with Nescape as well as MS Explorer. Maybe, it was the computer that I was
using which is somtimes iffey. This is the web page that this scrip is on.
Sorry about the fine print but I can't seem to change it eversince I pased
the scrip here.
// MouseOver/MouseClick audio.
// by JS Archive - http://jsarchive.8m.com
var ayAudio = new Array();
// Source for sound files to be preloaded
ayAudio[0] = "media/babyseal.wav";
ayAudio[1] = "media/babyseal.wav";
function AudioCheck() {
var n = navigator.appName
if (n=="Netscape") this.ns = true;
else if (n=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && document.all) this.ie = true;
else this.noAudio = true;
onload = function() {
is = new AudioCheck()
if (is.noAudio) return;
var s = '';
for (i=0; i<ayAudio.length; i++)
if (is.ns) {
auEmb = new Layer(0);
with (auEmb.document) { open();write(s);close() };
else document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",s);
auCon = is.ns? auEmb.document.embeds:auIEEmb;
auCon.ctrl = function(au,play) {
if (is.ie) this.src = play? ayAudio[au]:'';
else eval( "this[au]." + (play? "play()":"stop()") );
is.auDone = true;
function playAudio(whAu) { if (window.auCon) auCon.ctrl(whAu,1) }
function stopAudio(whAu) { if (window.auCon) auCon.ctrl(whAu,0) }