Script doesn't work when cells are merged.



Thanks for the help in advance!!!!

Looking at the script below, when cell A1 is merged with another cell, the
script doesn't work.

How do i make it work, (irregardless wether its merge or not)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Len(Target.Value) > 0 Then Exit Sub

Application.EnableEvents = False

If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then Target.Value = "This is merged cell (A1
merge to C3."

If Target.Address = "$B$1" Then Target.Value = "This is single cell"

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub


Harlan Grove

(e-mail address removed) <[email protected]>
Looking at the script below, when cell A1 is merged with another cell, the
script doesn't work.

Helps if you mention how it doesn't work.
How do i make it work, (irregardless wether its merge or not)

What are you trying to do? Merged cells interact oddly with event
handlers. If you make an entry into a merged cell, the Target range
passed to the event handler is the single top-left cell of the merged
range. However, if you CLEAR a merged cell, the Target range passed to
the event handler is the entire merged range. PITA.


Hey Harlan, thanks for the advice.

How it doesn't work.?

With the script, when the delete button is hit for Cell B1, "This is single
cell" doesn't get erased. -Fixed Text after Deletion-

But when it's merged with more than one cell, somehow or rather it doesn't
work anymore.

I use it for dates, for example:

Cell A1: Dec-06 <=== hit delete

(cell A2 onwards)
Total USD Per Day
1-USDXXX (sumif(Cell A1 .....xxxxx)

1 to 31 days.

*Dec-06 (Cell A1) will be the month. And when I hit delete in cell A1 it
changes to Current Month(Jan-07) owing to date formula and the day result for
01 to 31 will change. -Fixed Text After Deletion-

This whay I can avoide the Pivot Table.

Now, I would like to use the script for Text, and sometimes the text exceeds
a single cell, like filling tax forms.

I am not proficient in VBA, I have acquired the script, but now a little
fine tuning. (Merged Cells)

And Hybrids (single and merged).

Thanks for your attention. I appreciate it.

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