Script Edit Subject doesn't turn up in drop down menu



I put the script edit subjects in the drop down menu script menu items
for entourage but it doesn't appear when I press the script menu item.
If I save it as an application it does. But then it is open in the
dock as an application. It appears in the script editor and get info
as any other script. Any idea as to why this might not appear in save
script mode.

Barry Wainwright

Kerry said:
I put the script edit subjects in the drop down menu script menu items
for entourage but it doesn't appear when I press the script menu item.
If I save it as an application it does. But then it is open in the
dock as an application. It appears in the script editor and get info
as any other script. Any idea as to why this might not appear in save
script mode.

I have recently seen similar behaviour with another script - we
eventually racked that down to some corruption in the script file. Open
the script in Script editor, select all and copy. Paste it into a new
script window and save that one in the Entourage Script Items folder.
That _should_ work.

Perry Patrick

Try saving it as run only and make sure the box to keep open is not checked.


I have recently seen similar behaviour with another script - we
eventually racked that down to some corruption in the script file. Open
the script in Script editor, select all and copy. Paste it into a new
script window and save that one in the Entourage Script Items folder.
That _should_ work.

What I did was run the button compile and that seemed to have solved
the problem.

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