Script Error in FP - how do I fix this?



I can work in FP OK until such times as I Preview a frames page I'm
trying to develop, when the following error message pops up and
prevents me from doing anything else.

Internet Explorer Script Error

An error has occurred in the script on this page

Line: 30
Char: 1
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
URL: file://C:\Documents and Settings\...\Local Settings\Temp Internet
Files IE\FrontPageTempDir\pvw16.htm

Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? Y/N

Note I preview by using the Preview button, bottom left, in FP, not via
IE or any other browser.

These error messages appear so quickly it's impossible to close them,
as soon as you try to close one another appears.

I've Googled for pvw16.htm, but with no success, Google comes back
with did you mean pcw16.htm, so maybe I noted it down wrong.

I've searched my machine for both pvw16.htm and pcw16.htm, but
neither exist anywhere.

The only thing open at the time is FP 2003 SP2, and the only way to get
out of this is to bring up the Task Manager and end the FP task. I can
Preview the other non-frames pages OK, but not the frames one.

How can I fix this?


Remembered that I had put a Script in one of the pages called by the
Frames page, but even after having deleted this and saving the page the
problem persists.

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