Script error message getting new mail


Joseph Bush


I¹ve done a dumb thing and now have to correct it..

I downloaded Rob Buckley¹s ŒSend Complex HTML With Inline Files¹ script.
Looking about for the Entourage Script Menu Items folder, I inadvertently
put the script into the Entourage Script Menu Items folder in the
Applications > Microsoft Office 2004> Office > First Run folder, instead of
Documents > Microsoft User Data> Entourage Script Menu Items folder.

Next time I started up Entourage, I got multiple instances of a dialog which
states something like ŒThe script could not be run¹ in the title, and ŒThe
file was not found¹ in the message body. Realizing my mistake, I moved the
script to where it should be, but I still get this message on mail retrieval
whenever I start Entourage or when it starts a scheduled mail retrieval.

Can someone let me know how to correct this?



William Smith [MVP]

Joseph said:
I downloaded Rob Buckley’s ‘Send Complex HTML With Inline Files’ script.
Looking about for the Entourage Script Menu Items folder, I
inadvertently put the script into the Entourage Script Menu Items folder
in the Applications > Microsoft Office 2004> Office > First Run folder,
instead of Documents > Microsoft User Data> Entourage Script Menu Items

Putting the script there will do absolutely nothing. This won't be the
cause of the problem you're experiencing. Something else was changed.
Next time I started up Entourage, I got multiple instances of a dialog
which states something like ‘The script could not be run’ in the title,
and ‘The file was not found’ in the message body. Realizing my mistake,
I moved the script to where it should be, but I still get this message
on mail retrieval whenever I start Entourage or when it starts a
scheduled mail retrieval.

Did you create an incoming rule or schedule that calls this script? Look
under the Tools menu for Rules and Schedules.

Hope this helps!



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Joseph Bush

Thanks Bill,

Looks like some rules from Mail maybe corrupted. Iʻve disabled them and
hopefully that will solve the problem.


Diane Ross

Next time I started up Entourage, I got multiple instances of a dialog which
states something like ŒThe script could not be run¹ in the title, and ŒThe
file was not found¹ in the message body. Realizing my mistake, I moved the
script to where it should be, but I still get this message on mail retrieval
whenever I start Entourage or when it starts a scheduled mail retrieval.

Reset the script in the rule. It might not be connecting to the script after
it was moved.

BTW, 9pt font is way too small for most people to read.

Joseph Bush

Thanks Diane and Bill!

Turns out several rules got hosed on their way over from Mail. I deleted
most and am making new ones in Entourage. Not a problem, now that I know
what the problem was.


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