John Cradock
I have a user who wants to BCC a copy of each message to himself, as you can
do with the option in Mail. On this web page...
....there's this script...
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
make new draft window with properties {recipient:{recipient type:
cc recipient, address:get address of me contact, display name:
get display name of me contact}}
end tell
....which should let you CC to yourself, but when I try to create the script
with Scipt Editor, I get an error that says "Syntax Error. Expected
expression but found end of line."
What am I doing wrong? Any help on this is appreciated.
do with the option in Mail. On this web page...
....there's this script...
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
make new draft window with properties {recipient:{recipient type:
cc recipient, address:get address of me contact, display name:
get display name of me contact}}
end tell
....which should let you CC to yourself, but when I try to create the script
with Scipt Editor, I get an error that says "Syntax Error. Expected
expression but found end of line."
What am I doing wrong? Any help on this is appreciated.