Script Menu weirdness


Steve Ball

In E., my script menu contains the same items it does in the Finder except
for two extra items: 'Run Tickler' (which I downloaded today from: ) and 'Microsoft Entourage Scripts', which is
greyed-out. In the Finder, I can see scripts (including the Tickler scripts)
in ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Script Menu Items but I can't
get at them in Entourage. The Tickler scripts do, however, run from their
designated hotkeys.

Does anybody know what's wrong here?

Thanks in advance,
Steve = : ^ )

Mickey Stevens

Which script menu are you looking at? There is a system script menu that
appears on the right side of the menu bar, as well as an Entourage script
menu that appears directly to the right of the Help menu. Items that you
place in the appropriate location in the Microsoft User Data folder should
show up in the Entourage-specific script menu that appears directly to the
right of the Help menu.

Steve Ball

Mickey Stevens:
Which script menu are you looking at? There is a system script menu that
appears on the right side of the menu bar, as well as an Entourage script
menu that appears directly to the right of the Help menu. Items that you
place in the appropriate location in the Microsoft User Data folder should
show up in the Entourage-specific script menu that appears directly to the
right of the Help menu.

D'oh!~ I have so much stuff in my menu bar (mostly from iStat Menus) that I
didn't notice the 'extra' Script menu. Yes, the scripts are there.

Steve = : ^ )

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