Script problem - Help please


Les Stout

Hi, Tom Ogilvy kindly gave me the code below, which works fantastic. All
i need is that if it does not find a value it must leave the cell that
it is copying to blank, at the moment it is putting in a zero. So in
other words i only need it to copy the cells with a value in.
Could somebody please give some advice how i can change the code?

Sub LookupsAA()

Dim myLookUpRng As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim NumRows As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
With Workbooks(SuppFileNameC).Worksheets(SheetName)
Set myLookUpRng = .Range("D:N")
End With
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
NumRows = LastRow - 3
With Cells(4,L).Resize(NumRows)
.Formula = "=Vlookup(D4," & _
myLookupRng.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ",9,0)"
.Value = .Value
End With
With Cells(4,M).Resize(NumRows)
.Formula = "=Vlookup(D4," & _
myLookupRng.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ",10,0)"
.Value = .Value
End with
With Cells(4,"L").Resize(NumRows)
.Font.ColorIndex = 3
.Font.bold = True
End With
End Sub

Les Stout

*** Sent via Developersdex ***

Barb Reinhardt

I've not done this with VBA, but I've done it with the regular EXCEL
formulas. Maybe you can figure out how to get it to work in VBA.

This formula will fill in a "" if there is nothing found.


Vacation's Over

.Value = .Value
If .Value = 0 then .value = ""
.Value = .Value

Bob Phillips

Just add this line after all the main work has been done

Cells(4, l).Resize(NumRows, 2).Replace "0", ""



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