I coied from a web page, hope this helps:
How to import/export a Windows Registry Branch
To Export a registry branch:
Go to the Start menu, choose Run
Type in REGEDIT, and press OK
In the left hand side of the RegEdit window, find the branch you want to
export (eg HKEY_Curren_User\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\MS Project\Profiles
) and select this
In the RegEdit menu, choose Registry then Export Registry File
Check that the Export Range is set to Selected Branch and enter the filename
that you want the registry branch exported to
This will create a .REG file. You can then copy this file to a new computer,
or back it up or whatever.
To Import a registry branch:
There are two ways to do this:
If you double-click the .REG file from Windows Explorer it will often
automatically import the file. However this is often seen as dangerous
behaviour as you can inadvertently import registry settings, so some utility
programs will disable this facility.
Use Regedit again:
Go to the Start menu, choose Run
Type in REGEDIT, and press OK
In the RegEdit menu, choose Registry then Import Registry File
Choose the correct .REG file and press Open
NOTE: Editing the registry can lead to problems with your computer, so make
sure you know what you are doing first, and backup the registry before making
any changes.
SO if you need to push this over to other users, you will need assitance
from you system administrators to automate the importing part.