Scripting Dictionary in a class instance




I'm having a weird problem -- maybe it's me. I've set up a class. Each
instance will be stored in a scripting dictionary. Each instance will also
contain 3 other scirpting dictionaries for various purposes.

The class is called Parent

In the Initialize statement I have:
Set mAvailableAccounts = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set mReceivedAccounts = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set mChildren = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

In the main routine I create a new Parent. Put in the fields needed to
create a key. Check the dictionary that stores these Parents, looking for
the key. If I find one, I set Parent=nothing, and then set Parent =

When I do this, it appears that the 3 dictionaries within that "retrieved"
instance are being reset to contain no elements.

Am I doing something wrong -- that you can tell from the info I've listed?
Are scripting dictionaries within classes somehow static and not specific to
an instance?

Any help would be appreciated.


OOPS! Never mind -- I'm stupid.

What I was doing, and I didn't put enough in my post to let anyone see it was:

I had some of the code in a "with block", specifically "with Parent". When
I recalled an old Parent from the scripting dictionary, I was still in the
with block. So the "dotted" fields still referred to the previous Parent,
not the one I just

I can't believe how long it took me to find that! I appreciate the time any
of you took in reading through my, unfortunately incomplete, question.


Whilst your code seems to be working, it may not be a good idea to use
"Parent" as the class name, as that exists already. Maybe "cParent" to avoid
confusion for you, other developers and the compiler.


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