Tobias Weber
the following AppleScript works fine but only as long as the cell
selected when calling it is in the final result :-(
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
AutoFilter Selection Field 3 Criteria1 "f"
AutoFilter Selection Field 6 Criteria1 ">0"
Sort Selection Key1 Range "R2C2" Order1 xlDescending Key2 Range
"R2C4" Order2 xlAscending Key3 Range "R2C13" Order3 xlDescending Header
xlGuess Orientation xlTopToBottom without MatchCase
end tell
the following AppleScript works fine but only as long as the cell
selected when calling it is in the final result :-(
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
AutoFilter Selection Field 3 Criteria1 "f"
AutoFilter Selection Field 6 Criteria1 ">0"
Sort Selection Key1 Range "R2C2" Order1 xlDescending Key2 Range
"R2C4" Order2 xlAscending Key3 Range "R2C13" Order3 xlDescending Header
xlGuess Orientation xlTopToBottom without MatchCase
end tell