Scripting in Infopath



I have been assigned to make a attendance marking form in Infopath.
this is the situation ...
I have 62 checkboxes(2 for each day)
Apart from this i have a text box ,
I need this text box to display value only on the end of the month
this needs to be done as follows...
the number of days present must be = no of check boxes checked / 2 (this
must be displayed there in the text box) If this task needs to be done via
javascript programming or any other way pls help me out ..

Clay Fox

Are the checkboxes in a repeating group? If they were then you could use 1
for true(checked) and 0 for false and then use the sum function to see if you
get 62. This would not require any code.
What about months with less then 31 days?

Have you thought about calculating the last day of the month rather than the
number of check boxes? This would probably require script but then you would
know exactly when the last day was. If you search on Datediff on you can find examples.

Does your form get the user's name so you know who is completing the form?

Hope this helps.

Clay Fox

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