Sorry for being a pain in...but whatever i try here just doesn't work here.
All I'm trying to do is to run a simple script in inbox of 2003. According
to the link you sent me, I did a simple test - created a mail item, put it
Function Item_Open()
msgbox 9234
End Function
unchecked the "send for definitions with item", and published it in a public
folder. Then when I open the form (which is a mailitem) i can send it, so I
send it to 2 users, one with ol2k and the other with ol2003 and guess
that.....ol2k saw the msgbox, ol2003 did nothing....the form was published,
the checkbox was unchecked...what am I missing here?
Thank you!
Outlook 2003 runs script only behind published, non-one-off forms. See
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart
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