Scroll Box - How do I insert it in my exact location



Can someone give me some guidance on how to insert a simple scroll
text box, that scrolls messages within a small box., this is a scroll box
a marquee. I was looking for the scroll box in the web components in FP 2003
but they don't have that feature. Anyway, I have the java script code for
the scroll box, but when I try to insert it in the Code View, within the
body. The scroll box appears, But NEVER where I want it. Is there a
"simple" way to put the Scroll box "exactly" where I want it. I would like
the scroll box to be on the left side of my page just above my menu bar, but
it never shows up there, always somewhere else, like on top, the bottom,
between text, between pictures, etc. etc. Can someone give me some simple
step by step instructions how to do this. Thankyou so much, Susu

Thomas A. Rowe

Use tables to structure your page layout, then insert the JavaScript within a table cell

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Tom, I don't understand, can you explain step by step what to do, Do I
just make a table in "Design View" and then insert all the CODE in design
view in the table box?
When I did the box Expanded many times larger, what do I do now, in
Preview, there is code all over my website. I am really confused, can you
explain step by step please, I'm new to this. Susu

Thomas A. Rowe

Can you put the page on the internet and provide a link to it with what you have done so far?
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

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