Bob Quintal
Create a new table, with one field in it, My_Message, length 250.I’m using the following code to scroll a message across the
bottom of a form:
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Static strMsg As String
Static intLet As Integer
Static intLen As Integer
Dim strTmp As String
Const strLen = 250
If Len(strMsg) = 0 Then
strMsg = Space(strLen) & "my message" & Space(strLen)
intLen = Len(strMsg)
End If
intLet = intLet + 1
If intLet > intLen Then
intLet = 1
End If
strTmp = Mid(strMsg, intLet, strLen)
Me!lblScroll.Caption = strTmp
If strTmp = Space(strLen) Then
intLet = 1
End If
End Sub
I must enter the message into the “my message†space with
quotes. What I need is to be able to enter the message with having
to open Microsoft Visual Basic every time. It would be great if I
could enter the message in a form and the form would change the
Then modify the code to open a recordset that contains the field,
and use it instead of your literal data.