The Sarge
I need to know for my work how to set a web page so that when you scroll over
a word, a small box pops up that has info included in it. For what we are
doing, he needs it so when you scroll over "Products" on his page, a box will
pop up to the side that says "Bars, Benches, Beds...". We have tried
everything we can think of, but we aren't getting the desired effect. I am
pretty sure we have the newest edition, but I am not 100% since I am not
there at the moment. Thanks for your help.
a word, a small box pops up that has info included in it. For what we are
doing, he needs it so when you scroll over "Products" on his page, a box will
pop up to the side that says "Bars, Benches, Beds...". We have tried
everything we can think of, but we aren't getting the desired effect. I am
pretty sure we have the newest edition, but I am not 100% since I am not
there at the moment. Thanks for your help.