Scroll tabs


Engineer Mark

In very large spreadsheets I often want to scroll down to a specific row
multiple times. Does Excel have anything similar to a tab or marker that you
could place on the scroll bar. You could click on it and jump to a specific
row of the spreadsheet?

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Jacob Skaria

Press F5. In reference type the refernce for example for row 300..type A300.
hit OK
Another way is to type the reference in the name box. Name box is the small box just above cell A1.

If this post helps click Yes


Another option would be to insert a hyperlink to whichever cell(s) you
wish to scroll.

Right-click on the cell you will be moving from
Choose Hyperlink...
Type a label to appear as the link (eg Go to A500)
Click the Place in This Document option on the left
Type in the target cell address or select a named range if one already
Click OK

It's nice to make a link back to the starting point if others will be
using the worksheet :)

Gord Dibben

You can name often-used cells then pick the name from the namebox.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 07:59:01 -0700, Engineer Mark <Engineer

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