scroll through pages



Can i scroll through pages on the right using my keyboard and not the mouse?
For example, if I am taking notes on one page, but need to quickly refer to a
different page and then go back to the page i am taking notes on, can i do
this all through key commands?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Can i scroll through pages on the right using my keyboard and not the mouse?
For example, if I am taking notes on one page, but need to quickly refer to a
different page and then go back to the page i am taking notes on, can i do
this all through key commands?

You can use Alt+RightArrow and Alt+LeftArrow much as you would in a
Web browser.

Alt+LeftArrow to go back. Alt+RightArrow to go forward again.

That does part of what you want.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath


i see how that works to scroll between the last page you looked at. what
about all the pages on the right?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Naturally, you need to have been there first.

If you use Alt+LeftArrow then you can use Alt+RightArrow to return to
the page you just left.

Or move to the page by mouse clicking.

It's not a complete solution to what you wanted to do. I don't think
that you can navigate in this version of OneNote in the way that you
would like to be able to do.

I assume that you are aware of the Navigator near the top left of the
OneNote screen. It is another option but not as convenient a
navigation metaphor as the one you mentioned in your original post.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Erik Sojka

What do you mean by "pages on the right"? The pages of the selected section
(changeable by Tools | Options | Display | "Page Tabs Appear on the Left") or
navigating/scrolling through something on the Task Pane?

If the former: Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PgDn will do that.

If the latter: F6 cycles focus to and from the Task Pane, where the normal
KB shortcuts of Tab, Space, PageUp, PageDn, etc. will let you navigate and
work with controls.


ctrl-page up works!!! thank you to both of you guys. the function to toggle
between two pages [alt-left/right arrow] and the scrolling are both great and
exactly what i was looking for. good job!

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