


I am trying to limit the area that users of my spreadsheet can view, I have
tried using the scrollarea function which works until the spreadhseet is
closed, when I open it again it resets to allow users to scroll through the
whole worksheet.

Can anyone assist with this?

Sheila D

Maybe you could hide the parts you don't want them to see instead? Format,
column/Row or right mouse click gives you the Hide command.
HTH - Sheila
MOS OFfice training, London


Doug said:
I am trying to limit the area that users of my spreadsheet can view, I have
tried using the scrollarea function which works until the spreadhseet is
closed, when I open it again it resets to allow users to scroll through the
whole worksheet.

Yes, reading from past posts, the setting is transient (doesn't get saved) ..

Try the sub below, which is to be placed in the "ThisWorkbook" module

Right-click on the Excel icon at the top left corener (just to the left of
"File" on the menu > Choose "View Code". This will bring you direct into the
"ThisWorkbook" module. Copy > Paste the sub into the code window on the

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Worksheets("Sheet1").ScrollArea = "A1:B100"
End Sub

Adapt the range to suit ..



Thanks but it still doesn't seem to be working, the range I want to be
viewed is a1:g97 (however the end reference varies as I have different
worksheets to apply this to).

Am I missing something here?



Doug said:
Thanks but it still doesn't seem to be working, the range I want to be
viewed is a1:g97 (however the end reference varies as I have different
worksheets to apply this to).

Try something like:
(for different sheetnames, different scrollareas)

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Worksheets("Sheet1").ScrollArea = "A1:G97"
Worksheets("Sheet2").ScrollArea = "A1:E50"
Worksheets("Sheet3").ScrollArea = "A1:D100"
End Sub

Adapt to suit, eg put in the actual sheetnames & scrollareas

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