Scrollbar in header for no obvious reason


Tad Marshall

Create a new page in OneNote 2003 SP2 and type some text into the Title box.
Press Shift+Home to select the text, then press Ctrl+C to copy it to the
clipboard. Create another new page and press Ctrl+V to paste your previous
page title into the new page. You now have a vertical scrollbar in the
header for no obvious reason (since the text fits just fine, and there was
no scrollbar in the previous page). Clicking the up-arrow in the scrollbar
causes it to go away.

What's more annoying is that the scrollbars sometimes "come back". I
created pages for 24 lectures by using Ctrl+V (pasting "Lecture " and then
typing the lecture number), and cleared out all of the scrollbars by
clicking the up-arrows, but they "come back" at random. I suppose that I
could retype all the headers or just learn to live with random scrollbars,
but it makes OneNote seem buggy in a way that is annoying.

Just another minor UI nit.


P.S. Is there a better way to post bug reports than in a newsgroup? This
way, at least, other people can see them, and I do have this cool nospam
address so presumably somebody at MS is reading these reports ...

I like OneNote, and it isn't any flakier than any other MS 1.0 product, but
it is a little rough around the edges.

Re: this newsgroup: isn't it amazing how many people post here when they
want help with Outlook? No one posts Excel or PowerPoint issues here by
mistake ... I think that the names OneNote and Outlook must be too similar,
or maybe no one misposting gets past the first letter of the product name.

Oh, and I want tables and an equation editor too, but you knew that ... :)

Chris H.

I'll address your P.S., Tad: Microsoft's OneNote Team, especially Chris
Pratley, monitor this newsgroup and are very active as you can see if you
take a look through the previous posts. Chris is among the most open of the
project people at Microsoft. You can learn a lot from his OneNote blog:

As for people posting about Outlook here, if you look at the posting
addresses, most of them are from the "discussions" section - or web-based
newsgroups - and Outlook and OneNote are quite close together. If those
people used a real news reader, like Outlook Express, and access Microsoft's
newsgroups through an NNTP news server (like they
would know the difference before opening the group. Confusion in that case,
may be excusable. Hard to let people know this isn't a "forum" and multiple
postings of the same subject don't do anything except add to the number of
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Tad Marshall

Thanks, Chris. I read the entire newsgroup before posting, so I had seen
that Chris Pratley and several testers are reading the messages. I agree,
Chris' blog is great, full of insider info and helpful information.

I use Outlook Express to read the newsgroups, which seems a lot more
efficient than the web. The repeated postings about tables, section
symbols, etc. are kind of boring but they do suggest how many people want
the same things.

Thanks for the rapid response ... you do a great job here!


Chris H.

:cool: Most of the Microsoft folks are really, really heads-down on Vista
projects right now, and, of course the Office 12 version which is being
readied for beta. I think that's why you've seen a lack of participation of
those folks lately.

And, yes, you're absolutely correct about NNTP newsgroups being much easier
to use than the web-based monstrosity. :cool:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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