Scrolling large documents with the wheel of a wheel mouse


g1 Sunkersett


I have a corded wheel mouse (non optical).
With large documents open in Word 2003 when I click the wheel of the mouse.

The mouse cursor changes to a double pointed arrow.
Now depending on how I move the mouse the document scrolls in that direction.

The speed of scrolling is propotional to the distance by which I move the
mouse from the poistion of the click.
The same behaviour can be experienced in internet explorer (say with a long
page of search results) but here the scroll speed is different.

IS THERE ANY WAY this scroll speed can be set?


Shauna Kelly


You need to use the Control Panel. Depending on your version of Windows, and
how it is set up, do something like Start > Settings > Control Panel >

That will show you all the possible settings you can change.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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