I would like to put a banner on a Form and have the text in it automatically
scroll (crawl) from left to right (like a stock ticker, for example).
Does anyone know of a way to do that?
You would use code in the form's timer event.
Add a label to the form.
Set the Timer Interval to 1000.
Code the Timer event:
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Dim strMsg As String
Static I As Integer
I = I + 1
strMsg = "some message here "
' Display then exit
' To display the message just one time
If I > Len(strMsg) Then Exit Sub
' or if you wish to repeat the message
' If I > len(strMsg) Then I = 1
LabelName.Caption = LabelName.Caption & Mid(strMsg, I, 1)
End Sub
To slow the message down, set the Timer Interval to a greater value
(1000 = 1 second).
To speed the message up, decrease the Timer Interval value.