Scrolling Text


Lauri Hauser

I'm using Microsoft 2000

I'm trying to instert scrolling text into a presentation.

I have used the insert Text feature and set the custom
animation feature to scroll, but it scrolls way to fast,
and I see no way to adjust the speed.

The other issue is, that I would like it to scroll on top
of photos which are timed to pop in and fade, as another
photo comes in.

Is there any way to accomplish this?

Thanks much,

TAJ Simmons


IT's best to use the "Crawl" animation, instead of the "scroll (Fly?)"

In powerpoint 2000 (office 2000) you can only animate one item at a time.
So you could have photo appear, text appears, another photo appear, more
text, etc

TAJ Simmons
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