Still can't make it work. Too may different references to too many different
functions that I'm not using. It is difficult to translate all the names
used to refer to the control and weed out the functions that I'm not using.
My control is already filled, and all my children are drag-able. If I
understand the function correctly, I need to define the location of the top
and bottom of the control then "sendmessage" to window when the hittest is
within a specified range of the top or bottom of the control? Here is the
code to Drag and Drop function:
Private Sub tvwReviewers_OLEDragOver(Data As Object, Effect As Long, _
Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, _
x As Single, y As Single, State
As Integer)
Dim oTree As Treeview
Dim pnod As Node
' Create a reference to the TreeView control.
Set oTree = Me.tvwReviewers.Object
' If no node is selected, select the first node you dragged over.
If oTree.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
Set oTree.SelectedItem = oTree.HitTest(x, y)
End If
' Highlight the node being dragged over as a potential drop target.
Set oTree.DropHighlight = oTree.HitTest(x, y)
End Sub