


No matter what I do, I can't stop the wild, unconctorlable scrolling that I
get in Word, Excel, and even on the Internet. I've changed the mouse [mice]
on my two new laptops numerous times, thinking that this must be the cause,
as suggested by the Help Section. The problem is that there is NOTHING that
I have input when asking for help for this question that even remotely
addresses, or recognizes, the word "scrolling". It's as if the insanity that
brought us Word 2007 has removed the word "scroll" from its cerebral cortex
as well. I am so frustrated that sometimes I just can't continue to work
because the page is jumping everywhere.

If there's anyone out there who has experienced this problem [I have it on
both of my new laptops], PLEASE let me know how to stop it. It is making me
quite literally ill at times.

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