Search 2 Criteria for 1 sep result


brad watson

I have a table of values

Column headers and Row headers

Say Column headers are months
Row headers are people
Cell content is say a salary

basically i want to be able from a drop down box select a person and a month.

then based on this and an if statement it should result in the salary for
that month

jan feb march
joe 1 5 6
mary 10 5 20
fred 20 0 5

i will have an entry box stating "enter your name" and another saying "enter
the month" the 3rd cell is the result

so if the person states joe & jan , the result should =1

keep in mind this is a smaller scale than what i am using.

also my ideal search is the below :

jan feb march april
joe 1 6
mary 10 20
fred 20 5

where jan and feb have ONE value in a merged cell below being 1/10/20 and
same for march April.

So basicaly if the data was Joe & Jan now = 1 , Joe and Feb = 1

Bernie Deitrick


Use INDEX keyed with MATCH functions:


where G2 and G3 have Data Validation List.

MS Excel MVP

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