Search an Excel file for Data...How?



Hello and Good day,

Simple there a way to search all the cells inside ever
worksheet of an Excel File?

For instance:

I have an excel file that contains phone numbers and there are SEPERAT
worksheets that contain all the numbers of a particular category suc
as Family, Friends etc..

How can I, from any of the worksheets within the Excel File, search fo
a specific name?

I know how to do a search on a worksheet when it is the one open an
displayed (Macintosh: Command (Open Apple) F) but want to search ENTIR
FILE from one page.

Please hel


Select all the sheets (while viewing the 1st sheet, hold Shift and click
on the tab of the last sheet - this will highlight all the sheet tabs).
Then do your find, it will cycle through all the sheets stopping to show
the selected (found) item(s).

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure if this works with Mac's, but you could try, Jan Karel Pieterse's
FlexFind at:

Oooh. I just looked and Jan Karel has a note that it is now Mac-Enabled (thanks
to Matthew Henson).

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