Search and copy files. Look up destination folder in a range



I need help in doing this:

I have an excel worsheet that have columns for destination folder and
corresponding file to search for. The files to be search for will have wild
cards e.g *total*.*. What I want to do is create a macro that will search for
call values in a range, copy the result of the search to the corresponding
destination folder
for example
column A(files to search for) column(Destination folder) column c (source
always c:\documents)
*total*.* total_cost
*accounts*.* total_account

so what i want is to create a macro to search for column A in Column C and
copy the result(all files found) to column B.

Kindly help !!!

John McGhie

I suspect you want to do this in Windows: you're in the Mac Excel group

And the place to do this would be the Windows Scripting Host, not in Excel.

Hope this helps

I need help in doing this:

I have an excel worsheet that have columns for destination folder and
corresponding file to search for. The files to be search for will have wild
cards e.g *total*.*. What I want to do is create a macro that will search for
call values in a range, copy the result of the search to the corresponding
destination folder
for example
column A(files to search for) column(Destination folder) column c (source
always c:\documents)
*total*.* total_cost
*accounts*.* total_account

so what i want is to create a macro to search for column A in Column C and
copy the result(all files found) to column B.

Kindly help !!!

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