Search and move??


Robert M. Gary

I would like to create a macro that reads a value from a cell, switches
sheets, finds the cell value in the new sheet, then repositions the
window (scrolls) so you can see the entry (so its no below the screen).

I know I can select the value from the original cell by


but how to I actually do the find() and then bring the found value up
to the top of the screen?

Thanks so much in advance. I'm a Java programmer and still trying to
figure out VB. I'm looking for something like "javadocs".


Don Guillett

this should work
Sub gotovalue()
x = ActiveCelly = Sheets("sheet5").Cells.Find(x).Address
Application.Goto Sheets("sheet5").Range(y), Scroll:=True

End Sub

Don Guillett

corrected word wrap

Sub gotovalue()
x = ActiveCell
y = Sheets("sheet5").Cells.Find(x).Address
Application.Goto Sheets("sheet5").Range(y), Scroll:=True
End Sub

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