Search and Send replies not working



I'm using the web based version of this group. For several months, i have
found that when I search for something, I don't get all the hits that are
available. It's not that I've typed something in wrong. I've tested this a
number of ways. I complained about this sometime back and was told to use
the web-based news reader. That doesn't seem to work much better. It's very
frustrating and time consuming. But I do find this group to be valuable.
Can something be done?

I also find that when I post a question and check 'Notify me of replies',
they don't come. I log in with my email address, but it's not an msn
address. I hope replies would come to my login email address. At one time,
they did.

Both of these things together make it very difficult to find answers to my
questions. It's very frustrating.

Tom Willett

: they did.
: Both of these things together make it very difficult to find answers to my
: questions. It's very frustrating.
Now you know why so many people over the years continually suggest you stop
using the web interface and use a real newsreader.

Steve Rindsberg

I'm using the web based version of this group. For several months, i have
found that when I search for something, I don't get all the hits that are
available. It's not that I've typed something in wrong. I've tested this a
number of ways. I complained about this sometime back and was told to use
the web-based news reader. That doesn't seem to work much better. It's very
frustrating and time consuming. But I do find this group to be valuable.
Can something be done?

For now, use an NNTP newsreader.

This describes how to access the PowerPoint newsgroup, but the same general
instructions will work for the other groups here.

The PowerPoint Newsgroup
I also find that when I post a question and check 'Notify me of replies',
they don't come. I log in with my email address, but it's not an msn
address. I hope replies would come to my login email address. At one time,
they did.

It's broken. Hasn't worked in months if not years.

With a newsreader, you can check for replies to your posts much more easily.
And it works.


I guess I don't really understand what this is or how it works. I'll try to
figure it out. Thanks for the guidance, and for not being obnoxious.

Steve Rindsberg

I guess I don't really understand what this is or how it works. I'll try to
figure it out.

A newsreader uses a different method of getting messages and dealing with them (a
protocal called NNTP instead of the HTTP protocol that the web uses). There's more
to it than that, but basically, a newsreader is a program that just handles messages
like this instead of trying to be everything to everybody, so it does it rather
well. That link explains a bit more about it.

I try to reserve my supply of obnoxious for those who deserve it. ;-)

There's already so much obnoxiousness at large in the world, I figure it's got to
run out soon, so I hoard what I have.

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