Search Audio Notes



I can't seem to figure out how to get OneNote 2007 Beta2TR to search my
audio notes.

I've set the recording quality to that detailed by Chris Pratley and
set the checkbox under Options..Audio/Video to enable the Audio search
and still nothing.

Any ideas of what I am missing?



Rainald Taesler

CMD said:
I can't seem to figure out how to get OneNote 2007 Beta2TR to search
my audio notes.

I've set the recording quality to that detailed by Chris Pratley and
set the checkbox under Options..Audio/Video to enable the Audio
and still nothing.

One of my most appreciated nasty "Mee-too"s again <g>.

I have given up searching in audio notes.
But - strange enough - I tried to search with "Bart's PE" today.
The page I was looking for was not found.

But: I got app. 3 dozens of matches in a 45 min. sound recording in of
a lecture of mine (where none of the words I tested searching in it
ever has been found).


Erik Sojka (MVP)

Can you be more specific? Are you doing a search and a portion of the
audio note is not turning up in the search results even though you expect
it to be there?

Or are you asking if there is anything specific you need to do to perform
an audio search?

Rainald Taesler

Erik said:
Can you be more specific? Are you doing a search and a portion of
audio note is not turning up in the search results even though you
expect it to be there?

On my side it's just the case that *nothing* is found in the audio of
the note (a WAV file in German).


Olya Veselova (Microsoft, OneNote team)

Audio Search being a fairly new technology, there are a bunch of caveats:

-The recording must have been recorded with a microphone that is less than 6
inches away from the speaker. For any distances greater than that, the
recognition does not do well.
-The recording setting in Tools > Options > Audio and Video must be set to
at least 16kbps, 16KHz, mono. And the higher the kbps the better.
-You need to leave your computer idle with OneNote running, and not on
battery, for several hours in order for OneNote to index audio, because the
recording takes about 2-3x-realtime to index, depending on your CPU. So the
best idea is to leave your computer plugged in to power and running OneNote
for the nights for it to index recordings that you make during the day. Make
sure that you computer is not set to automatically set to go to sleep on idle.
The mechanism is that OneNote starts indexing after it notices that the
computer has been idle for 7 minutes.
- Audio search won't work if you don't have WDS.

I suggest checking the OneNote Guide "More Cool Features" section for the
suggestions on Audio Search. It has some suggestions on how to phrase your
search terms to have a better chance of finding stuff. For example short
words are more likely to turn up incorrect results.

In post-B2TR builds we made a fix that tells you how many recordings have
not been indexed yet.

Hope this helps,

Olya Veselova (Microsoft, OneNote team)

Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention about Audio Search caveats.
The Audio Search recognizer uses the language model based on the current
OneNote UI language.
So if you are using English OneNote, but recording in German, OneNote is
going to attempt to use the English recognizer on the German recording, which
does not lead to good results.
If your recordings are primarily in German, you need to be using the German
SKU of OneNote.

Rainald Taesler

"Olya Veselova (Microsoft, OneNote team)"
im Newsbeitrag
Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention about Audio Search caveats.
The Audio Search recognizer uses the language model based on the
OneNote UI language.

That's what I thought.
So if you are using English OneNote, but recording in German,
OneNote is
going to attempt to use the English recognizer on the German
recording, which
does not lead to good results.

Naturally. I had this in mind.
If your recordings are primarily in German, you need to be using the
SKU of OneNote.

Yes, the files I tsetd were all in German and my Windows as well all
Office apps are the German version.

Thanks for your concern


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