search box


Bonnie E. Hale

I am setting up a search box on my web site using FP2003. There are some
directories I do not want to be searched. How do I do this?



Assuming the search box uses FrontPage extensions:
If using the WAIS search engine (all Unix servers, some Windows XP Pro and
some Windows 2000 servers) name the folders with an initial underline
example _folder.
Or convert the folders into subwebs. FP WAIS search will only search the
current web/subweb.

If using Index Server for searching (All Windows 2003, some Windows 2000
and some Windows XP Pro), the above may work (or may not). You may have to
build a catalogue for the site that specifically excludes the folders.

Bonnie E. Hale

WAIS I have not idea what that stands for

Ronx said:
Assuming the search box uses FrontPage extensions:
If using the WAIS search engine (all Unix servers, some Windows XP Pro and
some Windows 2000 servers) name the folders with an initial underline
example _folder.
Or convert the folders into subwebs. FP WAIS search will only search the
current web/subweb.

If using Index Server for searching (All Windows 2003, some Windows 2000
and some Windows XP Pro), the above may work (or may not). You may have to
build a catalogue for the site that specifically excludes the folders.


Nor do I. Wide Area Index Search is something I heard.

FrontPage will use either WAIS or Index Server, depending on the server
Operating System and configuration, as I mentioned below.

Jens Peter Karlsen [FP-MVP]

Wide Area Information Server/Service.

It can however also mean:
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

Which is something quite different.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

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