Search capabilities



I am trying to identify options to search document stores within and/or
across workspaces. We want to use one or all of our Groove workspaces as a
repository for knowledge mangement content. I haven't been able to identify
any robust search capabilities - either within Groove or through third-party
products - to accomplish this task. What options are availalbe?



You may post this question to Groove Forms Development. As far as I know,
Groove web services provide you the ability to create search function.
There're many Groove form expert there, I believe you can get answer from

Hugh Pyle [MSFT]

To expand on Mason's earlier reply:
- The Forms tool includes quite powerful search capabilities, within a forms
tool (not across multiple forms tools nor across multiple workspaces).
Forms tool developers can customize a form's search features quite
- The Web Services API provides read access to data in forms, files, and
calendar tools; so it's possible to write an application which extracts
workspace data and indexes it (on the desktop, or on a server, etc). To the
best of my knowledge there are no off-the-shelf third-party search/indexing
products at this point.
- The product out-of-the-box doesn't provide global search functions, nor is
there integration currently with desktop search applications. We're
investigating these for a future release, but haven't announced any plans

Hope this helps - feel free to contact me directly to follow up.

Hugh Pyle / Program Manager / Microsoft Office Groove

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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