Search component



I have a FrontPage search component on this page:

And when I search for something it comes up with the results but in the
hyperlinks that it creates it appends :8000 to the web site name so that
when you click on the result of the search it naturally throws you to a page
not found. The result of the search comes up with a hyperlink like this:

Notice the :8000 after the .com

Any ideas?


Mark Fitzpatrick

Take a peak at the code being generated on the results page. You'll notice
something like so:

<base href="">

this actually tells the browser that the base link for the site is based
upon the website with port 8000. If you can find what is generating this
then the problem will be corrected. I'm not sure what's generating this
though as it could be an issue with the UNIX version of the server
extensions, or just a mixup in the search results page.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Hi Mark and anybody else interested in this.

Still got a problem with my search component.

What happens is because of limitations with my host ( - I do
NOT recommend them) I have to first publish my web to a directory on my hard
disk and then upload it to the server via FTP. This is because their server
times out on me if I try and use FrontPage (which they support) to upload
the site.

When I publish to the hard disk it tells me that the search form won't work
because my hard disk is not a server with FP extensions. But then I upload
it to a server with FP extensions and the search form works etc. and returns
the correct results except that it has this annoying :8000 in the address.

I have no doubt that the solution is to move to another host. Problem is
that you have to annually up front with these guys which I've already done.


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