Search Database & populate a textbox with result for a particular



I having some trouble with how to populate a textbox from an access database
based on a search box.

What I am trying to achieve is a form with say three textboxes.

txtSearch txtPart txtDescription

Database has 3 columns Jobnumber - Partnumber - Description (The Jobnumber
is not the ID number)

The user enters information into the search textbox to look for a job number
and as the text is changed the database is searched against the Jobnumber
column and returning the associated rows information into the part and
description into the other two textboxes. Part & description textboxes will
be read only so the user only has one box to fill.

I would like to do this without displaying a datagridview on the form.

Does anybody have any ideas or snippets to do the above. I have searched the
net but this type of thing is not well documented. I have followed several
tutorials but they seem to use the datatable to display the results but this
is no good to me.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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