I am new to this whole website-internet thing and have no idea where on my
website I am supposed to place "tags" & codes in the website prior to
uploading the website to the internet. I have asked numerous people and have
looked it up thru several different help tools on the internet but have not
gotten any feedback regarding this. I am to the point that I am begging for
help. I have had website designed & uploaded to the internet but can't figure
out where to place codes at...PLEASE HELP!
website I am supposed to place "tags" & codes in the website prior to
uploading the website to the internet. I have asked numerous people and have
looked it up thru several different help tools on the internet but have not
gotten any feedback regarding this. I am to the point that I am begging for
help. I have had website designed & uploaded to the internet but can't figure
out where to place codes at...PLEASE HELP!